# Topic covered
* Virtual Environment introduction
* Need of virtual environment
* Virtual Env types
* virtualenv
* virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper
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All the Tags in this Category
Python, Pip installation
Set up with a Python programming environment
# Topic covered
Python different version installation in 2 ways
* Using Source code
* Using apt-get
Pip installation
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Python roadmap
Python, Python setup, OOPs
Python Roadmap
[Read More]01-Python Basic
Introduction, Python Standard Library, REPL, Byte code compilation etc
# Topic covered
* Introduction to Python
* Python Name
* Where we can use Python
* Python Versions
* Flavors of Python
* Features of Python
* Why to use Python
* PEP - Python Enhancement Proposal
* Python Library
* Compiled language vs interpreted language
* Identifiers
* Reserved Words (Keywords)
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02-Python Basic
Data types, dynamic and strong type
# Topic covered
* Data Types
* Python inbuilt functions
* Dynamic type and Strong Type
* Python collections
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03-Python Basic
Flow Control(loop, if-else)
# Topic covered
* Flow Control
* Conditional / Decision Making statements
* if, if-else, if-elif-else
* Iterative Statements
* for, while
* Transfer Statements
* break, continue, pass
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04-Python Basic
Operator in python
# Topic covered
Python provides the following set of operators
1. Arithmetic Operators
2. Relational Operators or Comparison Operators
3. Logical operators
4. Bitwise operators
5. Assignment operators
6. Identity Operators
7. Membership Operators
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05-Python Basic
String data-types
# Topic covered
* String Data Type
* Define String literals
* Slicing of Strings
* String in-built function
* Formatting the Strings
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06-Python Basic
Python list data types
# Topic covered
* List Data Structure
* List declaration
* List access
* Mathematical operators for List Objects
* Comparing List objects
* List in-built function
* List Comprehensions
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07-Python Basic
Python Tuple and Set data types
# Topic covered
* Tuple Data Structure
* Tuple Packing and Unpacking
* Mathematical operators for tuple
* Tuple in-built function
* Tuple Comprehension
* Set Data Structure
* Mathematical operations on the Set
* Set in-built function
* Set Comprehension
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