02-Docker | Docker Basic

Installation, Docker Image, Container


Docker installation

  • Check docker
    • docker version
    • sudo docker run hello-world
  • On Linux
    • Docker client, Docker deamon and Container runs on the same Host
  • On Window or MacOSX
    • Docker deamon cannot be run directly on Non-Linxu platform natively because it user Linux specific Kernal feature
    • Need to run inside Docker-Machine
      • Install Docker Desktop
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03-Docker | Dockerfile

Create Custom docker image

Docker Custom Image

  • Developer –> Define Dockerfile –> Creates Docker Image


  • Dockerfile is used to create custom docker image
  • It’s a text document that contains all the instructions users provide to assemble an image.
  • Instructions specify what to do when building the image.
  • Can have –> runtime env, libraries, environment variables, and configuration files.
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04-Docker | Docker-Compose

Manage multiple docker container


  • DC makes it easier to configure and run applications made up of multiple containers
  • DC is a very handy tool to quickly get docker environment up and running.
  • It uses yaml files to store the configuration of all the containers
  • We can create some containers like: web app, postgres and redis
    • and can establish an internal connection
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