2. Variables/Attribute

In a class all the variables are term as Attribute

There are 3 types of variables are allowed.

  1. Instance/Regular Variables - - Object Level Variables
  2. Class/Static Variables - - Class Level Variables
  3. Local variables - - Method Level Variables
  • Attributes are looked first in the instance and then in the class
class Student:
    # class variable
    college = "XYZ-College"

    def __init__(self, stream):
        # instance variables
        self.stream = stream

    def data(self):
        # local variable
        name = 'Amrit'

        # access of all variables
        print(self.stream, self.college, name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pw1 = Student('Arts')
    # Arts XYZ-College Amrit XYZ-College
    print(pw1.stream, pw1.college)
    # Arts XYZ-College

    # Can't access local variable outside the block

2.1 Instance/Regular Variables (Object Level Variables)

If the value of a variable is varied from object to object, then such type of variables are called instance variables.

For every object a separate copy of instance variables will be created.

self or obj name is used to access instance variable of current object

  • Where we can declare Instance variables:
    1. Inside Constructor by using self variable
    2. Inside Instance Method by using self variable
    3. Outside the class by using object reference variable
class Student:
    def __init__(self, stream):
        # Declare instance variables
        self.stream = stream
    def var2(self):
        # Declare instance variables
        self.stream2 = 'Arts' 

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s1 = Student('Science')
    # {'stream': 'Science'}
    # {'stream': 'Science', 'stream2': 'Arts'}

    # Declare instance variables
    s1.stream3 = 'Commerce'
    # {'stream': 'Science', 'stream2': 'Arts', 'stream3': 'Commerce'}

2.2 Static Variables (Class Level Variables)

If the value of a variable is not varied from object to object, such type of variables we have to declare with in the class directly but outside of methods. Such type of variables are called Class variables.

For total class only one copy of static variable will be created and shared by all objects of that class.

Access static variables by using class name or cls variable or object reference. But object reference not recommended.

Declare static variable anywhere using class name or cls variable

class Student:
    # class variable
    stream = "Science"

    def change_class_var1(self):
        Student.stream = 'Commerce'

    # Update cls var
    def change_class_var2(cls):
        cls.stream = 'Arts'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s1 = Student()
    print(s1.stream)  # Science

    print(Student.stream)  # Commerce

    print(Student.stream)  # Arts

    # Update cls var
    Student.stream = 'Arts2'
    print(s1.stream)  # Arts2
    # {}
    # Don't use obj to update cls var
    # It creates ins var
    s1.stream = 'Commerce'
    # {'stream': 'Commerce'}

2.3 Local variables (Method Level Variables)

Sometimes to meet temporary requirements of programmer, we can declare variables inside a method directly, such type of variables are called local variable or temporary variables.

Local variables will be created at the time of method execution and destroyed once method completes.

Local variables of a method cannot be accessed from outside of method.

class Geek:
    cls_var = "Class var"

    # print(in_var) # Error
    def access_method(self):
        # in_var: can't be accessed outside this fxn
        in_var = 'inside_method'

g1 = Geek()
# print(g1.in_var)  # Error

2.4 Detail Variables/Attribute example

  • Attributes are looked first in the instance and then in the class
  • To change class var use class name
  • Changing cls var with obj - creates ins var
class Student:
    # class variable
    stream = "class-var"
    stream2 = 'class-var2'

    def data(self):
        # instance variables
        self.stream = 'ins-var'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s1 = Student()
    # look first in ins and then in cls
    # {'stream': 'ins-var'}
    # creates ins var
    s1.stream2 = 'ins-var2'
    # {'stream': 'ins-var', 'stream2': 'ins-var2'}
    # Change Class var  --> Need to use class name
    Student.stream = "m-cls-var"
    print(Student.stream2, Student.stream)
    # class-var2 m-cls-var
  • Example 2
class Employee:
    raise_amount = 1.04
    no_of_emp = 0

    def __init__(self, first, pay):
        self.first = first
        self.pay = pay

        # Don't use self. Use class name.
        # Else ins var will be created
        Employee.no_of_emp += 1

    def apply_raise(self):
        # Used class variable
        # self.pay=int(self.pay*Employee.raise_amount) 

        # look first in ins and then in cls
        self.pay = int(self.pay * self.raise_amount)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    emp1 = Employee('Amrit', 5000)
    emp2 = Employee("Prasad", 2000)

    # {'first': 'Amrit', 'pay': 5200}
    # {'no_of_emp': 2, 'raise_amount': 1.04, ...}

    # look first in ins and then in cls
    print(emp1.raise_amount, emp2.raise_amount)
    # 1.04 1.04

    # Changing Class Value
    Employee.raise_amount = 2.1

    # look first in ins and then in cls
    print(Employee.raise_amount, emp1.raise_amount, emp2.raise_amount)
    # 2.1 2.1 2.1

    # Changing Instance Value
    # creates a new instance var 'raise_amount'
    emp1.raise_amount = 2.5
    print(Employee.raise_amount, emp1.raise_amount, emp2.raise_amount)
    # 2.1 2.5 2.1

    # Instance variable can't be accessed using Class name
    # print(Employee.first)   # Error