Business Entities

  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Partnership Firm
  • Private Limited (Pvt. Ltd.)
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  • One Person Company (OPC)

How to start a Business? Sole Proprietorship vs LLP vs Private Ltd. | Business Basics #1

1.1 Sole Proprietorship

  • Open current a/c and start doing business
  • Sole Proprietorship is one man entity
  • All the liability is on the owner himself, Likewise he takes all the profit and losses himself.
  • A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business with only one owner who pays personal income tax on profits earned
  • Sole proprietors report their income and expenses on their personal tax returns and pay income and self-employment taxes on their profits
  • Registration
    • No registration
    • 1 govt certificate required for opening GST, Current a/c
    • Current Account
      • Not req if very small business or no online transaction
      • Req if you want to online transaction
  • Name
    • Can use any name
  • Liability
    • Unlimited liability
  • Members
    • Max One Person
  • Taxation
    • As individual
    • No Separate PAN
  • Suitable For
    • Less capital, lower tax slab
    • Unorganised structure
    • Retail trading, Services, Freelancing, Coaching Classes, Clinic
    • Re-seller
  • Compliance
    • Low

Proprietorship Firm Full Details | Proprietorship Business Registration | Business Basics #2

  • Document
    1. PAN
    2. Any one Certificate
      • Udyog (MSME) registration
      • SHOP & EST ACT or Factoryregistration
      • GST Certificate
    3. Address proof
  • When to take GST
    • Services > 20L
    • Sale of Goods > 40L
  • Balance-Sheet & P&L
    • Mandatory: Actual if Turnover > 2Cr
    • Better to maintain - to claim deduction
  • Compliance
    • SHOP & EST ACT or Factory Act
    • Professional Tax
    • Labour Welfare Fund
    • ESI: After 10 Employees
    • EPF: After 20 Employees
    • Bonus
    • Gratuity
  • Taxation
    • ITR-3 or ITR-4
    • For Business
      • ITR-4 (44AD)
      • Turnover < 2Cr
      • 8% Profit
    • For Profession
      • ITR-4 (44ADA)
      • Turnover < 50L
      • 50% Profit
    • TDS
      • Turnover > 1Cr
  • Depreciation
    • Not allowed in 44AD
  • Cons
    • No Loan
    • No Big Business
    • Difficult Conversion
    • Owner is fully liable

1.2 Partnership Firm

  • When two or more people come together and pool funds to start a business, it’s known as a partnership firm.
  • The primary aim of partnership firms is to earn profit.
  • Registration
    • Optional - registration under Partnership Act, 1932
    • Partnership DEED/Agreement mandatory
  • Name
    • Can use any name
  • Liability
    • Unlimited liability
  • Members
    • Min 2, Max 20
  • Taxation
    • Flat 30%
    • Separate PAN
  • Compliance
    • Low

A to Z of Partnership Firm | Registration, Compliances, Partnership deed | Business Basics #3

1.3 Private Limited (Pvt. Ltd.)

  • It is a business entity formed under Companies Act, 2013
  • Registration
    • Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
  • Name
    • Approved my MCA
    • Suffix added: NAME Pvt. Ltd.
  • Liability
    • Limited liability
  • Members
    • Min 2 Directors and 2 Shareholders
    • Max 200 Shareholders
  • Taxation
    • 22%, 25% or 30% - based on turnover
    • Separate PAN
  • Compliance
    • High

Save 2x Tax with HUF | Can HUF Buy & Sell Stocks? Business Basics #4

Ultimate Guide to Private Limited Company w/ @CAAnoopBhatia | Business Basics EP 5

1.4 Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

  • It is a business entity formed under Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  • Registration
    • Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
  • Name
    • Approved my MCA
    • Suffix added: NAME LLP
  • Liability
    • Limited liability
  • Members
    • Min 2 partner, Max unlimited
  • Taxation
    • Flat 30%
    • Separate PAN
  • Compliance
    • Moderate

1.5 One Person Company (OPC)

  • Registration
    • Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
  • Name
    • Approved my MCA
    • Suffix added: NAME OPC Pvt. Ltd.
  • Liability
    • Limited liability
  • Members
    • 1 Director and 1 Nominee Director
  • Taxation
    • 22%, 25% or 30% - based on turnover
    • Separate PAN
  • Compliance
    • Moderate

Is “One Person Company” good for small businesses? OPC vs pvt ltd | Business Basics#6

1.6 HUF

Save 2x Tax with HUF | Can HUF Buy & Sell Stocks? Business Basics #4

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