OOPs | 04-Encapsulation

Access Modifier

4.1 Encapsulation in Python

  • Access modifier are useful to attain encapsulation
  • It is archived by access modifiers public, private, protected

Python does not have strong distinctions between private and public variables like Java does.

There is no private-ness in python, as one of Python principles says –> We're all adults

# They just follow convention
Single underscore `_`
    --> its suppose to be protected
Double underscore `__`
    --> Do not use this field directly

# It is called Name Mangling
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OOPs | 05-Inheritance


5. Inheritance

It is a mechanism that allows you to create a hierarchy of classes that share a set of properties and methods by deriving a class from another class. Inheritance is the capability of one class to derive or inherit the properties from another class.

  • It specifies that the child object acquires all the properties and behaviors of the parent object.
  • It provides re-usability of the code.
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OOPs | 06-Magic Methods

Dunder, Magic, Special Methods

Magic Methods

Magic Methods are also known as Dunder methods, Special methods

Python dunder methods are the special predefined methods having two prefixes and two suffix underscores in the method name. Here, the word dunder means double under (underscore).

These special dunder methods are used in case of operator overloading (they provide extended meaning beyond the predefined meaning to an operator).

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