10-AWS | Application Integration

Application Integration

Process and Migrate Data Kinesis Collect, process, and analyze data streams in real time. Features K data Stream Real-time data capture –> Collect streaming data with a data stream K Data Firehose Process and deliver streaming data with data delivery stream. Load streaming data into data lakes, data stores, and analytics tools for: K Data Analytics Get insights in real time –> Analyze streaming data with data analytics application. [Read More]

AWS Serverless

AWS Serverless

AWS Serverless AWS Lambda Run functions on demand without the server. AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by AWS that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. We don’t need to worry about which AWS resources to launch, or how will they manage them. The Lambda functions can perform any kind of computing task, from serving web pages and processing streams of data to calling APIs and integrating with other AWS services. [Read More]

02-Docker | Docker Basic

Installation, Docker Image, Container


2.1 Docker installation

# Check docker
docker version
sudo docker run hello-world
  • On Linux
    • Docker client, Docker daemon and Container runs on the same Host
  • On Window or MacOSX
    • Docker daemon cannot be run directly on Non-Linux platform natively because it user Linux specific Kernel feature
    • Need to run inside Docker-Machine
      • Install Docker Desktop
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04-Docker | Docker-Compose

Manage multiple docker container


  • DC makes it easier to configure and run applications made up of multiple containers
  • DC is a very handy tool to quickly get docker environment up and running.
  • It uses yaml files to store the configuration of all the containers
  • We can create some containers like: web app, postgres and redis
    • and can establish an internal connection
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