01-DBMS | Introduction

Introduction, Three Schema Architecture, DBMS Architecture, Database Languages

What is Data?

  • Data is a collection of raw, unorganized, unstructured facts and details
  • Like text, observations, figures, symbols, and descriptions of things etc.
  • Data doesn’t have any meaning unless processed.
  • Types of Data
    • Quantitative
      • Numerical form
      • Weight, volume, cost of an item.
    • Qualitative
      • Descriptive, but not numerical
      • Name, gender, hair color of a person.
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02-DBMS | ER-Model

Data Model(ER-Model and ER-Diagram)

Data Model

  • Provides a way to describe the design of a DB at logical level.
  • Underlying the structure of the DB is the Data Model
    • A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics & consistency constraints.
    • E.g: ER model, Relational Model, object-oriented model, object-relational data model etc.
  • Collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics, and consistency
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03-DBMS | Relational Model

Relational Model, Transform - ER Model to Relational Model

Relational Model

  • Data relation represented in the form of table with columns and rows are called Relational Model
  • Tuple
    • Each row is known as a tuple
  • Columns
    • It represents the attributes of the relation
    • Each attribute, there is a permitted value, called domain of the attribute.
  • Cardinality
    • Total number of tuples in a given relation.
  • Degree of table
    • Number of attributes/columns in a given table/relation.
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04-DBMS | Normalisation

Functional Dependency, Normalisation


  • Normalisation is a step towards DB optimisation
  • Normalisation is used to minimise the redundancy from a relations.
  • It is also used to eliminate undesirable characteristics like Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies.
  • Normalisation divides the composite attributes into individual attributes OR larger table into smaller and links them using relationships.
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05-DBMS | ACID Properties

Transaction,ACID Properties, Transaction states


  • A unit of work done against the DB in a logical sequence.
  • It is a logical unit of work that contains one or more SQL statements
  • All these statements in a transaction either gets
    • Completed successfully (all the changes made to the database are permanent)
    • Or if at any point any failure happens it gets rollbacked (all the changes being done are undone.)
  • Sequence is very important in transaction.
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