Common for both FrontEnd and Backend
- Sign up for FreeCodeCamp
- Make your
profile public
- Complete
Responsive Web Design Certification
- Complete
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification
- Make your
- OS: Install Linux
- macOS or Any flavour of Linux(Ubuntu is widely used)
- SNC: Guide to Dual Boot Windows and Ubuntu
- Or Direclt only install Ubuntu
1. Learn CLI
It is a user program or it is an environment provided for user interaction
It provides an interface to Linux where you can type or enter commands using the keyboard
2. Learn Git
Version control is a management system that allows you to record and track changes
in your source code and files so that you can recall certain versions later.
It’s like a Google Doc for programming, where you can collaborate with multiple people working on the same code and see the source code’s history
3. Learn Markdown
Markdown is a lightweight markup language
for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor
People use it to create websites, documents
, notes
, books, presentations, email messages, and technical documentation
4. Internet
The Internet is a global network of computers connected to each other which communicate through a standardized set of protocols.
SNC: What is the Internet and how does it Work?
Web hosting is an online service that allows you to publish your website files onto the internet. So, anyone who has access to the internet has access to your website.
SNC: Learn about Domain, Hosting and its types
5. Practice
- Hacker Rank
- Problem Solving
- Interviewbit
- Solve the practice problems in the Time Complexity section
FrontEnd Dev
6. HTML & CSS Resources
- Learn to Code HTML and CSS by Shay Howe
- A Visual Reference to CSS
- HTML, CSS, JS Tutorials
- CSS Flex Video
- CSS Grid Video
Backend Dev
6. Basic Frontend Knowledge is required
- FreeCodeCamp: Complete
Responsive Web Design Certification
- FreeCodeCamp: Complete
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification
7. Web Development Languages
Backend engineer should know at least one server-side or Backend programming language
like Java, Python, Ruby, . Net etc.
8. Database Management Systems
A backend developer creates code that does relational mapping to store and retrieve data
from a database. MySQL, SQL SERVER and PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle Database are some of the most widely used DBMS. It’s crucial to have a good understanding
of how they work.
9. Data Structure and Algoritms
- Data Structure
- Video: Gate Smashers DS
- Algorithms
- Video: Rabindra Babu Algo
- Time and Space Complexity
10. Operating System
A good understanding of the Operating system is key for programmers
because whatever code they will write will eventually run on OS
If they are not aware of how OS manages memory and concepts like Virtual memory
, swapping
, memory pages
, and page faults
, they will have a hard time troubleshooting and fixing memory issues and improving the performance of their application.
11. Web Hosting Platforms
Web hosting solutions enable you to place your product on a cloud
service provider and access it via the internet. Amazon Web Services(AWS
), Google Cloud Platform(GCP
), Microsoft Azure
, and Heroku are all popular options.
12. Framework and libraries
Framework is a set of conceptual structure and guidlines
used to build something useful.
Web frameworks are designed to implement the commonly functionalities
found in web applications, such as mapping URLs to Python code pieces.
Common Python frameworks are Django
and Flask