01-Internet | How does the Internet Work?

What is the Internet and how does it Work


Since the explosive growth of web-based applications, every developer stands to benefit from understanding how the Internet works. Through this article and its accompanying introductory series of short videos about the Internet from code.org, you will learn the basics of the Internet and how it works. After going through this article, you will be able to answer the following questions:

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01-Git | Introductions

VCS, Git, Git hosting, Installation

1.1 What is version control?

  • Version control is a management system that allows you to record and track changes in your source code and files so that you can recall certain versions later.
  • It’s like a Google Doc for programming, where you can collaborate with multiple people working on the same code and see the source code’s history

Ultimately, using a version control system allows teams to streamline their development process, which improves their overall efficiency

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05-Unix | Advance Commands

Advance unix commands

Some Advance unix commands

  • crontab, tail, Screen, grep, compress, wc


  • The crontab is a list of commands that you want to run on a regular schedule
# Shows all Crontab
crontab -l

# Edit Crontab
crontab -e

# Remove all cron tab --> Be careful
crontab -r
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03-Unix | Basic Commands

Bread and Butter Commands - all important

Bread and Butter Commands - all important

  • This article provides practical examples of most frequently used commands in Linux/UNIX.
man - Super Important
cd ( Understand flags - dot ., double dot .., tilda~, dash -)
mkdir, mv
cp with recursive flag
ls with different flags
pwd, rm, sudo, apt
touch, cat, less, more
tail, rsync, grep
find - Super Important
sort, date, wc
tree (needs to be installed additionally)
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02-Unix | Ownership and Permission

CLI, Shell

Linux File Ownership

  • Every file and directory on your Unix/Linux system is assigned 3 types of owner, given below.
  • User
    • Owner of the File
    • User also called an owner
  • Group
    • User-group can contains multiple users
    • All users in the group have the same file permissions
  • Other
    • Any other user who has access to the file
    • Does not own the file nor belong to a User-group
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