Javascript learning path

1. How The Web Works

  • Type the URL and press Enter
  • The URL gets resolved
  • A Request is sent to the server of the website
  • The response of the server is parsed
  • The page is rendered and displayed

2. JS Naming Convension(Generally used)

  • Function
    • camelCase is commonly used.
    • functionName()
  • Variable naming
    • letters, digits, symbols $ and _
    • Can’t start with digit.
    • apple and AppLE–> are two different variables.
  • Constant
    • Capital letters and underscores
  • Indentetion –> 4 Sapce
  • Semicolons
    • In most cases a newline implies a semicolon.
    • But “in most cases” does not mean “always”!

3. Article

Editor you can use

* Download `.deb` package
* Double-click and will be installed using `software center`
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer(CoenraadS)
  • Prettier - Code formatter(Prettier)
  • Live Server(ritwickdey)