Variable declaration in JS
- let
- It has a block-scope
- const
- Used for unchanging variable
- This can’t be re-defined
- var
- No block-scope
- var variables are either function-wide or global
- they are visible through blocks.
- let and const basically replace var.
var should not be used anymore
Variables (var, let, const) declaration
- Variables names
can contains
–> letters, numbers, _, $- Cannot start with –> number
- Reserve keywords, name –> should not be used as variable name
var name = 'John Doe';
var greeting;
console.log(greeting, name);
// undefined "John Doe"
greeting = 'Hello';
// "Hello"
var greeting;
// "Hello"
let name2;
name2 = 'John Doe';
// "John Doe"
let user = 'John', age = 25, message = 'Hello';
// 25
let person2 = {
name4: 'John'
person2.age = 40
/*[object Object] {
age: 40,
name4: "John"
// 40
- CONST variable can’t be re-assigned
- CONST variable declare and initialize at the same time, else error
const name3 = 'John';
// name3 = 'Sara'; // Error
// const greeting2; // Error
- In below example
- person and numbers are referene type variable
- They only store only the address of the object
- So, you can chage the inner value but can’t change the complete object
const person = {
name4: 'John',
person.name4 = 'Sara'; // possible
const numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
numbers.push(6); //possible
// not possible to reassign
// numbers=[1,2,3,4,5]
Hoisting concept
// "ReferenceError: `Cannot access 'name' before initialization`
name = 'John';
let name;
// No Error
myVal = 20;
var myVar;
// ReferenceError
let var1 = 20;
// undefined --> No Error
var var2 = 20;
Issue with var
- Can be initialize before it is declared
- Take
as default
- Take
- No declaration takes as var
- someValue = 10;
- var is added with someValue
- Re-declaration of same variable is possible
- var someVal = 10;
- var someVal = 20; // No Error
- var is always global
Strict mode
- Use
'use strict';
at top of your JS file - Activating Strict Mode
- It disable some behaviours
- You can not use undeclared variables
- Deleting a variable (or object) is not allowed.
- Keywords reserved for future JavaScript versions can NOT be used
x1 = 3.14; // Error
let x2 = 3.14;
delete x3; // Error
const interface = 'Audio'; // Error
Scope for let, var and const
A local variable (i.e. created in a function) which also exists as a global variable is a “shadowed variable”.
// let, const --> block scope
// var --> fxn scope
// Global Scope
var a = 1;
let b = 2;
const c = 3;
// 1 2 3
// Function Scope
// Shadowed Variables
var a = 4;
let b = 5;
const c = 6;
console.log('Function Scope: ', a, b, c);
// 4 5 6
// 1 2 3
// Block Scope
if(true) {
var a = 4; // changes global
let b = 5; // not change global
const c = 6; // not change global
console.log('If Scope: ', a, b, c);
// 4 5 6
console.log('Global Scope: ', a, b, c);
// 4 2 3
- Multi word variables naming var firstname;
var firstname;
var firstName = 'John'; // Camel case
var first_name = 'Sara'; // Underscore (Not recommended)
var FirstName = 'Tom'; // Pascal case (Not recommended)
If-else in JS
- Nested if-else
//and "AND, &&" operator
const name1 = 'Steve';
const age = 70;
if(age > 0 && age < 12){
console.log(`${name1} is a child`);
} else if(age >= 13 && age <= 19){
console.log(`${name1} is a teenager`);
} else {
console.log(`${name1} is an adult`);
Switch case
let age = 4
// default
let age = 3
// 3rd No Default
let age = 1
// 1st No
switch (age) {
case 0:
case 1:
console.log("1st No");
// break doesn't allow to go further
case 2:
console.log("2nd No");
case 3:
console.log("3rd No");