Javascript Data Types
- Primitive
- Non-primitive(
- Data that is not an object
- All primitives
are immutable
i.e., they cannot be altered.Stored in Stack
- Copies the data(
Copy by value
# There are 7 primitive data types
1. Number
* Floating point numbers
* Used for decimals and integers
2. String
* Sequence of characters
* Used for text
3. Boolean
* Logical type that can only be true or false
* Used for taking decisions
4. Undefined
* Default value of uninitialized variables
* You shouldn’t assign undefined as a value manually
5. Null
* Never assumed by default
* `reset/clear` a variable using null
6. Symbol (ES2015)
* Value that is unique and cannot be changed [Not useful for now]
7. BigInt (ES2020)
* Larger integers than the Number type can hold
Page: /
- let n = 123;
- let Number(num)
- Besides regular numbers, there are so-called
special numeric values
- Which also belong to that type:
Infinity, -Infinity and NaN
* alert( 1 / 0 ); // Infinity
* alert( -1 / 0 ); // -Infinity
* alert( "num"/25 ); // NaN
- Strings are immutable
- let String(str)
- In JavaScript, there are 3 types of quotes
* let str = "Hello"; --> Double quotes
* let str2 = 'Hi'; --> Single quotes:
* let phrase = `can ${str}`; --> Backticks
Boolean (logical type)
- The boolean type has only two values:
true and false
* let Boolean(val)
- “Symbol” value represents a unique identifier.
- A value of this type can be created using Symbol()
* id is a new symbol
* let id = Symbol();
The null
- It’s just a special value which has the sense of
nothing, empty or value unknown
* let age = 10;
* age = null; // reset/clear
The undefined
- If a variable is declared, but
not assigned
, then its value is exactly undefined
* let x; // let x = undfined
* alert(x); --> shows "undefined"
* const b1 = 9007199254740991n
* const b2 = BigInt(9007199254740991)
Primitive wrapper objects in JavaScript
- Except for null and undefined, all primitive values
have object equivalents
that wrap around the primitive values:- String for the string primitive.
- Number for the number primitive.
- BigInt for the bigint primitive.
- Boolean for the boolean primitive.
- Symbol for the symbol primitive.
- Object, Array, RegExp
Stored in Heap
- Copies the pointer(
Copy by reference
// Array..The arrays are objects,
const hobbies = ['movies', 'music'];
// Object literal
const address = {
city: 'Boston',
state: 'MA'
const today = new Date();
// Regular Expressions
const re1 = /\w+/;
const re2 = new RegExp('\\w+');
console.log(typeof today);
console.log(typeof address)
Garbage Collection
- Memory management in JavaScript is performed automatically and invisibly to us.
- We create primitives, objects, functions… All that takes memory.
- Garbage collector monitors all objects and removes those that have become unreachable.
- i.e those variable that are not used anywhere
Memory leaks
Referencing something that is not in anyuse leads to memory leak
- Those memory cannot be freed