Profit and loss (P&L)

  • Financial performance calculated for one year
  • 1st April - 31st March is mostly taken as Finalcial year
  • P&L for year ended 31st March 2020
    • P&L for FY 2019-2020


Revenue from Operations

  • Revenue from operation
    • Revenue from core operation
    • Eg: Sale of products
  • Other operation revenue
    • Revenue operation linked with core operation
    • Eg:
      • Scrap sales
      • Export incentives

Other income

  • Bank deposit
  • Divident income
  • Non-operating income


  • Cost of Materials Consumed
    • Inventories add
  • Purchases of Stock-in-Trade
    • Traded goods
  • Employee Benifit expense
    • Salaries and wages
    • Staff welfare expense – staff tour
  • Finance Cost
    • Interest expense on Loans(debt) etc..
  • Depreciation, Amortisation and Impariment expense
    • Depreciation
      • Eg: Building
      • It’s done for Tangible asset
      • After Z yrs value will be Y from X
      • (X-Y)/Z — every yr this expense will be added
    • Amortisation
      • Eg: Software licence
      • It’s done for Intangible asset
      • After Z yrs value will be 0 from X
      • X/Z — every yr this expense will be added
    • Impariment
      • Eg: Building collapsed
      • Asset value reduction other than depriciation or amortisation
  • Other Expense
    • Insurance fee
    • Audit expense
    • Donation

Types of Expenditure

  • Capital expenditure
    • Goods that don't get exhausted, but last long
    • Eg: Tables, chairs, AC, House
    • Included in Assets
  • Revenue expenditure
    • Goods that get exhausted within short time
    • Eg: Vegi or food, Labour wages, Bills, maintaince cost
    • Included in Profit and loss