Balance Sheet(BS)

  • A statement of your position
  • A statement that records Assets and Liability is called Balance sheet
  • From business start till present.
    • Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2020
    • i.e statement from start till March 2020


  • Anything that you own

Type 1

Non-current Asset

  • All long term asset (>1yrs)
  • Property, Plants, and Equipment
  • Goodwill
  • Intangible Asset
    • Any asset which you can’t touch
    • Eg: copyright, trademark, software
  • Financial Asset
  • Other non-current assets

Current Asset

  • All short term asset (<1yrs)
  • Inventories
    • Traded Goods
    • Raw Materials & Packing Materials
    • Finished Goods
    • Spares
  • Financial Asset
  • Other current assset

Type 2

  • Appreciating assets
    • Gold
    • Cash
    • RealStates
  • Depreciating assets
    • Large Machineries
    • Steel Plants
    • Cement Plants


  • Anything that you owe
  • Source of funds(Paisa kaha se aaya)
    • Equity, debt, bonds issue, etc..
  • In BS you will see Equity and Liabilities


Equity Share Capital

  • Money taken from shareholders and invested in the company

Other Equity

  • Profit retained every yr will add up here
  • Realised profit
    • Retained Earning(Cumulative bal of P&L a/c)
      • RE 2020 = RE 2019 + PAT 2020 - Divident 2020 +- other
    • General/Revenue Reserve
  • Un-realised profit
    • Capital Reserve
    • Cash subsidy reserve


Non-Current liability

  • Need to settle after 12 months
  • Financial liability (pay Cash)
  • Other Non-current liability (pay Obligation or Goods )
  • Provision
    • Liability based on estimation
    • Compensated Absent
    • Anniversary Award
    • Premature death pension scheme
  • Deferred Tax liability(net)
    • Two sets of Income Books are made
      • Income by Income-tax – Based of Payment
      • Income by Accounts(Company) – Based on Approval
    • Eg: Bonus – Paid next yr, but approved this yr
      • If there is a difference in taxation in these two years
      • then there will be different tax payable.
    • Net Deferred Tax – Can be either Asset or Liability

Current liability

  • Need to settle within 12 months
  • Financial liability
  • Other Current liability
  • Provision
  • Current Tax Liabilities(net)
    • Self assessment tax
    • Re-check (By income tax)
      • Maybe same as self assessment
      • Or can be more