Introduction to FA

  • Fundamental analysis is a method of determining a stock’s real or fair market value.

Fundamantal Analysis types

  • FA is mainly of two types
    • Qualitative –> Non-numeric aspects
    • Quantitative –> Number-crunching

Qualitative analysis

  • It refers to non-numeric aspects of the company
  • Analysis of Management, Corporate-governance and business-model
  • Management
    • Background of Management
    • Promoter lifestyle
    • Significant shareholders
    • Minority shareholders
    • Shareholding
  • Corporate Governance
    • The company should run ethically, fairly, transparently, and efficiently
  • Business model
    • Business ethics
    • Business moats

Quantitative analysis

  • It emphasizes on mathematical and statistical aspects of the company.
  • Analysis of company numbers(number-crunching)
  • It includes analysis of:
    • Balance Sheet
    • Profit & Loss
    • Financial Ratio
    • Cash Flow
    • Industry/Sector analysis

Fundamental Analysis Approach

  • It can be done in two ways
    • Top Down: Economy –> Industry –> Company
    • Botton Up: Company –> Industry –> Economy

Economy Analysis

  • GDP
  • Balance of Payments (Import Export)
    • Export > Import –> Surplus BOP
    • Export < Import –> Deficit BOP

Industry Analysis

  • Like Good manifesto of Govt to Electrify country
  • Will boost Power section
    • Generation
    • Transmission
    • Distribution

Company Analysis

  • Qualitative Analysis + Quantitative Analysis
  • Company overview
  • Business Segment
  • Performance, Growth outlook
  • SWOT analysis
    • strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

Financial Statement(FS)

  • FS may have Standalone and Consolidate Statement
  • Standlone FS
    • FS of all the Branches of the Company added together
  • Consolidate FS
    • StandAlone FS + Subsidiary FS + Associates FS + Join Venture FS
  • Company types included in FS
    • Subsidiary Company
      • Company X holding more than 50% of other company Y,
      • then Y is subsidary company of X
    • Associate Company
      • Company X has 20% <= holding <= 50% in other company Y,
      • then Y is Associate company of X
    • Join Venture
      • Two to more Companies working together for sometime.
    • No Name
      • if has less than 20% holdings
      • Not included in FS
    • In Above example:
      • X –> term as Parent/Holding Company and
      • Y –> term as Subsidary or Associates or Join Venture

Business Type (Share Holdings Pattern)

  • Family Owned Business
    • Promoter Holdings will be Highest
    • Eg: Reliance
    • In this type of business Promoter should have more Holdings
  • Professionally run business
    • Promoter Holdings will be Lowest
    • Eg: L&T, ITC
    • In this type of business Promoter may have less or Zero Holding

Basics Of Fundamental Analysis Lecture 1 P1 by CA Rachana Phadke Ranade

Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet | Basics Of Fundamental Analysis Lecture 1 P2 By Rachana Phadke Ranade

Economy And Industry Analysis | Basics Of Fundamental Analysis lecture 1 P3 By Rachana Phadke Ranade