Django Migrations
Migration in Django is to make changes to your models
Like deleting, adding a field, etc. into your database schema.
FAQ: How does Django handle database migrations and why are they important?
6.1 Apply migration
- Makemigrations
Detect changes and prepare database
to update- It creates migration in ‘my_app/migrations/’
- Shows if any changes has been made or not
# All apps
python makemigrations
# singl3 app
python makemigrations my_app
- Sqlmigrate
View the actual sql code
that runs in database- We don’t need to know sql, just use model class in file, which is a feature of Django ORM
python sqlmigrate my_app mig_file_name
- Migrate
Apply changes to DB
, all tables are created/updated- The migrate command looks at the INSTALLED_APPS setting and
- Creates any necessary database tables according to the database settings in your mysite/ file
python migrate
6.2 Revert Migrations
Check migrations files
- to show which migrations have been applied[ ]
- to shows unapplied migrations
# Show migration files of all apps
python showmigrations --list
# Show migration files of current app
python showmigrations accounts
- Revert
- Revert migration to old_state
- Delete the reverted migration_files
- python makemigrations
- python migrate
python migrate model_name migration_file_name
# Revert all migrations to initial or start
./ migrate my_app zero
- Explain the use of RunPython in Django migrations.
- What are the potential issues to be aware of when performing Django database schema migrations?
- How can you handle circular dependencies in Django migrations?
- Explain the purpose of Django’s ContentType framework in the admin interface.
- Undo Migration
- Digging Deeper Into Django Migrations