# Topic covered

1.1 What is Django?

Django is a Python-based web application framework that is free and open source.

Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.

It makes development quick and easy

1.2 Companies that make use of Django framework?

  • Instagram, Bitbucket, Mozilla Firefox
  • Pinterest, Discus
  • NASA, Onion, The Washington Post
  • Eventbrite, Mahalo

1.3 Advantage of Django

  • Easy to use
    • Uses python
    • Has large community of developers
  • Fast and Simple
    • DRY philosophy — Don’t Repeat Yourself
  • Excellent documentation
    • Has real-world applications
  • It’s secure from
    • clickjacking
    • cross-site scripting
    • SQL injection
  • Other
    • It enables you to separate business logic from the HTML
    • For website administration, it provides auto-generated web admin

1.4 Feature in Django framework

  • Admin Interface (CRUD)
  • Security Features
  • Object-relational mapping (ORM)
  • Templating
  • Session, user management, role-based permissions
  • Testing Framework
  • Form handling
  • Fantastic Documentation
  • SEO

1.5 Disadvantage

  • Django' modules are bulky.
  • It is completely based on Django ORM.
  • Components are deployed together.
  • You must know the full system to work with it.

1.6 Design philosophies

  • Loose coupling
  • Less code
  • Quick development
  • Don’t repeat yourself (DRY)

1.7 File Structure Info

  • outer mysite/
    • Is root directory, just a container for your project.
    • Its name doesn’t matter to Django, you can rename it to anything you like.
  • manage.py
    • A command-line utility that lets you interact with the Django project in various ways.
  • inner mysite/
    • The inner mysite/ directory is the actual Python package for your project.
  • mysite/__init__.py
    • An empty file that tells Python that this directory should be considered a Python package.
  • mysite/settings.py
    • Settings/configuration for this Django project.
  • mysite/urls.py
    • Contains the URL’s for the current project
    • The URL declarations for this Django project
  • mysite/wsgi.py
    • Web Server Gateway Interface
    • Synchronous Python apps
    • An entry-point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve your project.
  • mysite/asgi.py
    • Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface
    • Successor to WSGI
    • For both asynchronous and synchronous apps,
    • An entry-point for ASGI-compatible web servers to serve your project.

1.8 Script vs Modules vs Package vs Library vs Framework

  • Script
    • A script is generally a directly executable piece of code, run by itself.
    • Convenient execution from command line
  • Modules
    • The module is a simple Python file that contains various functions and global variables.
    • Convenient import with API
    • modules.py
    • from modules import mod
  • Package
    • The package is a simple directory having collections of modules
    • It also has __init__.py file by which the interpreter interprets it as a Package
    • pack/mod1.py, pack/mod2.py
    • from pack.mod1 import mod
  • Library
    • Library is a collection of packages
    • Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib etc..
    • When you use a library, you are in charge of the flow of the application.
      • You are choosing when and where to call the library.
  • Framework
    • Framework is a collection of libraries
    • Django, Flask
    • When you use a framework, the framework is in charge of the flow.
      • It provides some places for you to plug in your code, but it calls the code you plugged in as needed.

1.9 Projects vs Apps in Django

  • Apps
    • A Django App is like a component for our project which provides us with particular functionality
    • We can have components like: accounts, customers, blogs etc.
  • Project
    • A Django project is your entire application
    • It’s a collection of one or many apps
    • A project can contain multiple apps
    • And an app can be in multiple projects.

1.10 Django vs Flask

1. Project Type:
    * Django 	-- used for `large projects`
    * Flask 	-- used for `smaller projects`
2. Feature (`Admin, Templates, ORM`)
    * Django 	-- Built in
    * Flask  	-- Requires installation
3. Ease of Learning
    * Django 	-- `More learning` and Practice requires
    * Flask 	-- Easy to learn
4. Type of Framework
    * Django    -- Batteries included, `Heavy weight`
    * Flask	-- `Simple` and `lightweight`
